Guidance about Rose production methods

 Rose production methods

Rose plant structure

Students will be demonstrated about different plant parts.


A group of flowers containing their own individual pedicleunited to one stem.


Suckers are off-shoots. In case of grafted roses, they develop from rootstock.

i)Any branch below the bud union is a sucker. Their removalis important at an

early stage, because they suppress the growth of main grafted/ budded plant and

may grow rapidly compared to grafted scioncultivar

ii)Any branch growing upright and appears different in foliage color, is usually

sucker which can be easily recognized.


The small portion of branch left behind after pruning of rose canes, is called snag.


An outgrowth at base of petiole, is called stipule.


Main stem/basal shoots of rose plant, is termed as cane.

Breaking Bud:

A bud which just start sprouting/growing, is called breakingbud.

Blind Shoot:

A shoot which grows vegetatively but do not produce flower.


Area of a rose plant near ground surface level, is termed asneck


Sharp needle-like outgrowths/structures present on rose stems/canes, which have base

in epidermal layers, are called prickles. These are dead cells and can easily be detached from

parent branch. They are not true thorns because thorns havebase in wood and cannot be

separated. For e.g. in citrus.


Rose plants have compound leaves with 3, 5 or 7 leaflets.


Basal part of rose flower which matures into a hip.


Rose false fruit, usually of red, brown or black colour, which contain rose fruit and

rose seeds, is called rose hips. These are rich source of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).



Attack in March when the new growth starts.

These tiny insects are brown or green colored and make colonies just below buds and

on tender twigs.

Control: Initially by spraying water with pressure. At later stages, by spraying

insecticides, e.g., Polo, Confidor.


The worst problem of roses in Pakistan. Small brownish insects make web on the

flower, bud, or leaves, suck sap, deform buds, and growth is stopped.


Spray Neem oil or use insecticides like Confidor or amidacloprid.


Red Spider mites attack in May/June in dry season.Make web below leaves, which can

be easily identified by theior crawling growth habit of brownish tiny insects.


Spray water underside the leaves every 45 days interval. Avoid miticides because they

have Sulphur, which burns the leaves in summer. In unavoidable, use Oberon.


White ants colonize in soil particularly in dry areas which inhabit the roots and lower

plant parts, which stop growing.


Apply Chlorophyriphos or Larsban @ 250 mL per 20 Liter or Kerosene oil can also be

used while irrigation.


These are round brown insects ,which stick on the stems/cane sand sucksap .Eventually

the stemdies

Roses are classified on several phenotypic bases, some common of which are as under:

1)On the basis of growthhabit:

o Groundcovers:

Roses with upto 1 feetheight.

o Miniatures:

Roses with 12 ft plant height.

o Dwarf Bushes:

Roses with less than 2 ft height.

o Bushes:

Roses with over 2 ft plant height, e.g., H.T. roses or floribundas. 

o Standard roses:

Roses which are budded at a height of 3-3.5ft are called standard roses. These are

specialty roses, which are quite expansive but provide splendid floral displays onfocal

points in the landscape.

o Half standard: Roses which are budded at a height of 2-2.5ft are called half standard


o Weeping Standards: Roses which are budded at a height of 5 ft from ground level.

Usually weeping type of cultivars are budded in such type of roses.

o Climbers/ Ramblers: Roses with climbing nature, which need support along pillars.

2)On the basis of flower type:

o Single flower:

Roses with less than 8 petals.

o Semi-doubles:

Roses with 8-20 petals.

o Double flowers:

Roses with more than 20 petals. It is further divided intothree types:

o Moderately full:

Roses with 21-29 petals.

o Full double:

Roses with 30-39 petals.

o Very full double:

Roses with more than 40petals.

3)On the basis of flowering habit:

o Hybrid tea roses

o Floribunda

o Miniature

o Shrubs/bush roses

o Climbers/Rambler

Types of roses:

1.Bush roses/ Old roses:

Rosa centifolia

Rosa damascena

Rosa chinensis Gruss-an-teplitz

Rosa bourboniana



2.Modern roses:

Hybrid tea



Roses may also be classified on the basis of fragrance into no fragrant, slightly fragrant,

fragrant or very fragrant. Moreover, these may also be classified on the basis of flowering

period into Repeat flowering or once-flowering roses.



They are propagated by hard or semi-hardwood cuttings. Best time of planting is from

November till end January when the plant is in dormantconditions.


Rootstock through cutting, while scion cultivars are propagated through T-Budding in

July. In developed countries, stentling (grafting) is used.

Rootstocks for roses:

o Rosa Natal Briar(World)

o Rosa rugosa (World)

Rosa laxa(World)

o Rosa canina (World)

o Rosa multiflora(World)

o Rosa bourboniana(Pakistan)
